Summer 2023
Jul 06, 2023
Hidden archives: UT’s renowned collections support education and research
UT prides itself on housing countless archives, collections and heirlooms. Some are carefully stored in dimly lit and climate-controlled rooms, preserved by caretakers; others are housed in classrooms, ready to…
Jul 06, 2023
10 years of music on KUTX: The KUT affiliate is celebrating its 10th birthday with a concert series
Bass and melodic rhythms reverberate across Mueller Lake Park on Friday, April 21. Children run about, laughing and playing. Parents spread colorful quilts and blankets on the grass. They sip…
Jul 06, 2023
Texas Memorial Museum makes a comeback after budget cuts and closure
The Great Hall at the Texas Memorial Museum is empty, save for the 36-foot-wide flying reptile Quetzalcoatlus hanging overhead and the scaffolding lining the high ceilings. The large collection of…
Jul 06, 2023
Housing and Dining leader overhauls UT meals and service with the help of new colleagues and high-tier chefs
As a graduate student, Marilyn Tyus bustled about between stacks of books as she chipped away at a master’s degree in psychological counseling at Southeast Missouri State University. Between her…
Jul 06, 2023
UT’s Disability Cultural Center focuses on meaningful social gatherings to foster community and connections
The creation of a disability cultural center was a collective passion project. In 2021, a group of students, faculty members and staffers began dreaming about what such a center would…
Jul 06, 2023
From the Butler School: The musical life of Ryan Kelly sends soundwaves throughout the Forty Acres and beyond
Welcome to “From the Butler School,” the weekly program featuring performances from the students and faculty of the Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music at The University of Texas…
Jul 06, 2023
UT’s staff meteorologist keeps watch and advises on weather-related campus safety
Lightning spidered across the sky, illuminating the town as if it were midday. Not far behind it, thunder boomed and crackled, forcefully shaking the house. A little boy, no older…
Jul 06, 2023
Our coastal Port Aransas colleagues share workday respites and favorite pastimes
Four hours south of our main campus sits the Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas. Our coastal colleagues work day in and day out conducting research in collaboration with the…
Jul 06, 2023
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center celebrates native plant diversity
Lady Bird Johnson traveled through the South in 1964 to garner support for her husband’s Civil Rights Act. She opted to travel by train in order to visit more rural…
Jun 30, 2023
David M. Hillis has seen the world, but Texas Hill Country has his heart
In a childhood memory, David Hillis recalls the time when the woodlands of Lwiro in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo were unexpectedly pleasant. The region, where the…